
Captain's Log: Mystical Book Magic
Bookstores deal in obvious secrets.
Cookbooks [food & drink] along with sci-fi/fantasy
are some of the books that people hunt and trade.

The Captain's Log: The Mystery of the Loaded Dice
This Captain's Log entry highlights what can go wrong when no one opts to scrutinize what they have.

Captain's Log: The Medical Facts of Time versus Fantasy
The adventurers assembled for their third Dungeon's and Dragons gaming session. Publishers occasionally use artistic license...

Captain's Log: The Book Dragon Adventures
Wise book dragons enjoy flirting with the dangers of collecting but avoid being consumed by their treasures.

Captain's October Tent Sale
October Book Sale Sunday, October 15, 2023 11 AM - 4 PM Captain's Book Shoppe Parking Lot 1570 S. 1st Avenue Iowa City, IA 52240 Out of...

Captain's Log: History on the Cedar River - the Trilogy
WWII Remembered 2023: Midwest reenactors browse Captain's Book Shoppe military history.

Captain's Log: A Few Books and the Mystery of the Hidden Room
By Jeffrey A. Rothermel August 25, 2022 Secret rooms were things I read about in Hardy Boy novels as a kid. I spent my youthful summers...

Selling Books Along the Cedar River
Captain's Log: August 24, 2021 How we remember our past and what we learn from it are interesting topics. How humankind portrays and...

The Mystery of George F. Jowett's Vanity Press
Captains Log, July 23, 2021. It was a week of exceptions and mystery. It started with the exception. I avoid acquiring Bibles and...

Captain's Log: The Story of the Bookseller
Dealing in recycled thought, occasionally the rare - original thought.