
FAQ: Does Captain's Book Shoppe Buy Books?
The Captain buys used and rare books by appointment only. Please give him a call at: (319) 351-3166.

Captain's Log: Antiquarian Bibles
The 14-month process of selling eight antiquarian Bibles. Determining when to buy and sell and a vintage book. Solving Mystery.

Captain's Log: History on the Cedar River - the Trilogy
WWII Remembered 2023: Midwest reenactors browse Captain's Book Shoppe military history.

Captain's Log: A Few Books and the Mystery of the Hidden Room
By Jeffrey A. Rothermel August 25, 2022 Secret rooms were things I read about in Hardy Boy novels as a kid. I spent my youthful summers...

How Much is a Book Worth?
Factors determining book values.

The Captain's Unabridged Book Buying Guide
Captain’s Book Shoppe buys books only by appointment. Please call before you bring books into the store. (319) 351-3166.

Captain's Log: The Story of the Bookseller
Dealing in recycled thought, occasionally the rare - original thought.